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Plumbing Leak Detection

Leak detection is a specialized sector of the plumbing industry, and not all companies have the equipment and experience needed to handle leak detection and repair. At Davis Jr. Plumbing, Inc. we use technologically advanced leak detection equipment that allows us to locate and repair leaks efficiently. With our state-of-the-art equipment, we're able to find the problem; with our plumbing expertise, we're able to fix it right the first time around.

Leak Detection

Whether it's a leaking pipe in the wall, a leaking pipe in the attic, a water or waste line leak under the concrete slab, or it's a pipe out in the yard; Davis Jr. Plumbing, Inc. has the leak detection equipment to locate your leak. We can find the source of the leak, determine the best way to proceed and make the repairs necessary to get your water back on as soon as possible. Our technicians also have electronic video inspection equipment in case we need to look inside a drain line to locate a problem.

Sometimes leaks are pinhole sized and other times they result from a major pipe failure. Over time pinhole leaks can cause as much damage to your home as large leaks can.

If you find yourself experiencing any of these situations, the first thing you need to do is shut your water off before damage increases. Then you need to locate the leak as soon as possible. Sometimes those leaks can be very difficult to find. That's where Davis Jr. Plumbing, Inc. comes in with our experienced staff and equipment.

Davis Jr. Plumbing, Inc. utilizes the best equipment available to enable us to provide both a timely and accurate leak detection service. Upon location of your problem, Davis Jr. Plumbing, Inc. will provide detailed solutions while discussing different options that may be available. It is our goal to provide information necessary to allow you to make informed decisions and to tailor our solutions to meet your preferences while keeping your interests priority one. If the leak has caused damage that needs to be addressed we can refer you to the proper company to clean up the damage, make the necessary repairs and restore your home to the condition it was before the leak.

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Plumber Cape Coral, Fort Myers, Naples, Bonita Springs, FL

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